5 Chiropractic Techniques For Back and Neck Pain

August 3, 2022

Back and neck pain are horrible life companions. Fortunately, whether you’re experiencing sudden onset pain or a chronic condition, chiropractic care can help you find fast relief.

Here are five chiropractic techniques for back and neck pain that you may come across at our Clearwater chiropractic office.

Common Techniques for Back and Neck Pain

Chiropractors provide many different services and techniques depending on your needs.

At Family Life Chiropractic, we have decades of experience treating patients with chiropractic treatment. After locating the exact source of your back or neck pain, our chiropractor may perform adjustments using one or a combination of the following techniques.

  1. Thompson Technique

  2. The Thompson technique, also known as the drop method, uses a segmented table to deliver quick thrusts to the neck and back. As spinal manipulation is performed, sections of the table below the affected area move. Gravity helps realign your spine when your body drops, meaning less force is needed.

    The primary benefits of this method include improved posture and flexibility. Patients also report less pain in the affected area and a better night’s sleep.

  3. Gonstead Technique

  4. This technique is one of the most common methods for treating back and neck pain.

    Our chiropractor, Dr. Jere, begins by identifying the source of your discomfort. Then, he’ll have you lie on your side so he can adjust your pelvis and lower back. This manual force can help restore your body’s alignment and mobility.

    With the Gonstead method, Dr. Jere won’t twist the spine. Rather, he’ll use precise movements to adjust sections of the vertebrae. Another difference between this technique and the others is neck adjustments are performed in an upright position instead of lying down.

  5. Flexion-Distraction Technique

  6. Flexion-distraction is a gentle technique designed to treat scoliosis, herniated discs, and sciatic pain. Similar to the Thompson technique, this therapy is performed on a segmented table that drops. This movement reverses spinal disc compression by gently stretching your spine.

    Comparable to non-surgical decompression therapy, the flexion-distraction technique can improve your range of motion while reducing lower back pain and stiffness.

  7. Diversified Technique

  8. The diversified technique is the most commonly used chiropractic treatment, as it’s a combination of the other methods of spinal manipulation. This approach consists of delivering low-force thrusts to the joints with the hope of providing relief from conditions that cause neck and back pain.

    Also called the direct thrust technique, this method may cause popping or cracking sounds typically associated with chiropractic visits, both of which are normal.

  9. Logan Technique

The Logan technique is used to reduce headaches and migraines as well as relieve muscle tension. Laying face down on the table, our chiropractor applies light pressure to the base of the spine to help realign it.

The theory behind this technique is that gentle chiropractic adjustments will balance the spine and relax your muscles.

Chiropractic Care in Clearwater, FL

Don’t live in pain another day. At Family Life Chiropractic, we can help you find the best treatment for your particular needs.

Give us a call at 727-447-4647 or contact us online to schedule an appointment today!