For the first time R.B. can get out of bed without pain


“I just completed my fifth week on the VAX-D program and the results are TREMENDOUS!!! I literally have no back pain at all! Some days I don’t even feel my lower back which is amazing because I would usually start my day by stretching to get relief.

“For the first time in my life I have good posture, I didn’t even know what that was prior to this program, my idea of good posture wasn’t even close to what I have now. I sleep through the night 90% of the time and sometimes when I awake I’m in the same position I was when I fell asleep, no tossing and turning anymore. I’ve lost an inch to an inch and half on my waist line from this program. One of my fears was that I would gain weight from being inactive while doing this program, my stomach is flatter now than when I started and I haven’t gain a pound.

“I feel like this program has totally fixed my lower back and has given me the education I need to make sure it never comes back. You learn a ton about the spine and proper weight alignments of the spine while on this program. Now it’s up to me to complete the program and strengthen my core to help support my spine.

“This program has changed my life for the better. For the first time I can honestly get out of bed without any pain. I’m writing this on August 2nd, 2010 without any back pain to speak of!”

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