Muscle Testing

Muscle Testing in Clearwater, FL

At Family Life Chiropractic, we take a whole-body approach to wellness! Our chiropractors, Dr. Jere & Dr. Philip will pinpoint the underlying cause of your pain and discomfort instead of just treating symptoms.

Family Life Chiropractic offers muscle testing in Clearwater, FL. Using muscle testing, Dr. Jere & Dr. Philip will find the source of your dysfunction and recommend a chiropractic wellness program personalized to your needs.

Find out what muscle testing is and how it can complement your chiropractic care here.

What Is Muscle Testing?

Muscle testing is a diagnostic technique based on the idea that various muscles are linked to the organs and nervous system.

The basic principle of muscle testing is if there’s stress or a problem with the nervous system, the associated muscles “weaken.” This allows your doctor to identify the source of dysfunction within your body based on where your weakened muscles are.

During muscle testing, Dr. Jere & Dr. Philip applies force to the muscles. The muscles are then labeled “strong” or “weak” depending on their ability to resist pressure.

What Is Muscle Testing Used For?

Also known as Applied Kinesiology, muscle testing is used to identify internal problems such as:

Once muscle testing identifies the area of your body that isn’t working properly, your doctor will be able to put together a treatment plan.

In some cases, weak muscles can lead to spinal issues that won’t go away on their own, such as lower back pain or neck pain. Some underlying conditions, such as chronic heartburn and indigestion, cannot be remedied until the muscles return to full strength.

What Is Applied Kinesiology?

Kinesiology-style muscle testing was developed in 1964 by Michigan chiropractor George Goodheart. Today, muscle testing is used by millions of practitioners worldwide.

Through his research, Dr. Goodheart found he could diagnose illness and give treatment by testing muscles for strength and weakness. For example, Dr. Goodheart discovered he could influence the strength of weak muscles by stimulating the nerves at the ends of the muscles.

Dr. Goodheart spent years compiling the patterns and response outcomes to muscle testing. Dr. Jere & Dr. Philip had the privilege to receive training and attend seminars taught by Dr. Goodheart.

How Does Muscle Testing Work?

At Family Life Chiropractic, muscle testing is done as part of a complete diagnostic examination. Muscle testing works by identifying weak muscles, recommending a treatment, and helping muscles regain proper function. However, we still start with a regular chiropractic exam before moving on to muscle testing.

Your first visit to our Clearwater chiropractic office begins with a consultation with Dr. Jere & Dr. Philip, which includes:

  • Balance testing
  • Range of motion measurement
  • Core strength and flexibility testing
  • Posture and gait evaluation
  • Monitoring blood pressure from lying to standing, which can indicate imbalances in the body

Identify Weak Muscles

After these tests are complete, Dr. Jere & Dr. Philip will apply pressure to test muscle strength. If the muscle is resistant to pressure, it’s marked “strong” or locked.” Muscles that give way to pressure are considered “weak” or “unlocked” and may be indicative of an internal problem.

Dr. Jere & Dr. Philip may also press on trigger points (sensitive areas of tight muscles formed after injuries or overuse) to see if they cause muscle weakness.

From there, Dr. Jere & Dr. Philip will recommend a chiropractic treatment program, depending on whether muscle fatigue is related to a specific organ or an underlying condition.

Recommend Chiropractic Treatment

Treatment plans look different for every patient and will target the area of the body that isn’t functioning properly.

Chiropractic treatment following muscle testing usually includes:

Regardless of the treatment methods recommended for your needs, they aim to stimulate your nervous system, and regular organ function, and promote faster healing.

Contact our Clearwater chiropractic office today to learn more about how muscle testing works.

Applied Kinesiology in Clearwater, FL

Muscle testing is a safe, natural technique for diagnosing and treating underlying health conditions. For questions about muscle testing, call 727-447-4647 or contact us today!

How Does Muscle Testing Work?

Muscle testing, or applied kinesiology, is a chiropractic technique that helps locate where the body isn’t communicating. But how does muscle testing work? And what does it tell us about our bodies? Our chiropractor in Clearwater, FL is here to answer all of your muscle testing questions. What Is Muscle Testing? Muscle testing is a...

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